Wednesday, April 30, 2008


(‘irie' is a word in Patois - the Creole language commonly spoken in Jamaica. It refers to a state of mind that is relaxed and happy, filled with the wonder of creation, with love and unity.

I just posted our JAMAICA PHOTOS on flikr! Let me just say thank you to all of you rooting us on and sending us your love was exactly the simple, sweet, and CHILL wedding we dreamed of...we wouldn't change a thing!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

right time, right place, right love

I am so sleepy I can barely keep my eyes open. We are still trying to figure out how everything will fit, and I want to crawl into bed so badly...but I cannot...we're almost there...

Our send-off dinner at El Meson was perfect. Dinner of ceviche, sangria, and paella was delicious, everyone was there, Arthur ordered one of every dessert, and I got to dance with Annabelle. It was lovely. And earlier in the day Kate surprised me with a girls' trip to the Refinery for manicures, pedicures, and facials! I was drunk on pampering. lucky, lucky me.

But it's the small details that I hope I can remember down the road...catching sean's eye at dinner and feeling full-to-the-top with familial love...yukiko and sam chatting about ancient Japan...and the old black and white Wuthering Heights on in the background while packing into the wee hours. There's no stress, no hesitation, it just feels right...right time, right place, right love.

So I guess this is goodbye for a couple of weeks. I will write up a little travelogue when we get back at the end of the month and upload the photos to flikr. Thank you so much for all of the love you've been sending our way. We are blessed to feel you in the here and now. BIG love, Jesse

Friday, April 11, 2008

the home stretch...

I am giddy with anticipation. My tummy is all aflutter this morning as I get ready to head into work for my last day office day before we leave. Yesterday at school was sweet as I said goodbye-for-two-weeks to many of my favorite kids--many who begged to be invited to crash the wedding or stow away in my suitcase. It's fun to share a little bit of this excitement with them. I even made too-cool-for-school sassy Astreja laugh pretty hard when we were walking up the stairs, looking out the window at the sleet that was falling all afternoon...I pretended to be musing to myself 'man, that weather's nasty...I wish I could go someplace warm...and sunny...maybe a beach somewhere..." and Astreja turns around laughing 'you mean somewhere like JAMAICA?!'

Well I'm going to try and write a couple more posts before we leave on Tuesday, and Sean promised he'd write at least one, so stay tuned. Love you all.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Auntie Carol wants to see the rings!

These are our lovely rings, which we are actually excited to get to start wearing soon. And the photo was taken using our brand new Panasonic DMC-TZ5 (thanks mama)! Sean finally got an outfit today--it is so annoying that he can go to the mall and find everything he needs in just a few hours--and have it look so good. I also talked to a guy in Jamaica who's going to take photos for us during the ceremony, yeah! Everything is coming together and I can't wait.